Words can save us. Words can put us in jeopardy.
Words can build a business or let it grow fallow.
Words can heal us. Even HEAL THE DAY.

But words don’t always come easily or when you want them or how you want them.

  • On a deadline?

  • Blocked?

  • Need a fresh mind to spin your big idea?

  • Have no time to do the research?

  • Pray for a wordsmith?

  • Kill for a silent writing partner?

  • Have to edit your article, your thesis, your manuscript, your novel, your memoir, your screenplay?

With thirty years of experience at writing for every major network and cable company, Linda Bergman has the expertise and desire to help you reach YOUR audience. She can help you polish, rewrite, rework and SELL the project at hand.

Your writing SUCCESS is her passion!


Linda charges $6.00 a page to read and advise. Price can rise up to $8.00 per page depending on the density of the material. You will be notified by email or phone if, upon descending into your work, Linda decides the workload is greater than originally perceived. You will then have the option to agree to her continuing or she will stop work at your request.

Upon completion, you receive a marked copy of your original material with notations whenever Linda is pulled from the read. These notes are very helpful to a writer as you enter the rewrite phase. Suggestions are placed in the margins as well as in a separate document regarding the piece as a whole and your goal for the material.

Moderate to Extensive Rewriting: If you need more creative help – or just want one scene punched up and want her to rewrite, rearrange and rework your piece. OR

Consulting/Concept Development Services: Where do I go from here? You talk, you spin, you find a better way. $75 per hour.

NEED IT FAST? 24-hour turnaround. Double your money. If it cannot be done in 24 hours, she will not take the job.

A minimum of $100 applies to all projects.