Working with Linda was an absolute joy!
She shared her wonderful talent, extensive experience, and boundless enthusiasm so generously with her knowledge.
Linda Bergman is an excellent teacher!
She is direct and honest in her approach, goal oriented and an insightful communicator. Brilliant!

Something magical happens in your classes, Linda.
You always say the right thing, ask the right question, give us the best feedback to get us to the difficult, significant places of memory where we can re-capture the lessons of life that shaped our character.

Linda Bergman’s class was a revelation!
Although I’ve participated in writing workshops in the past, … this class was fun, dynamic, and empowering. I learned the structure and technique behind successful screenwriting—and what I learned has strengthened and sharpened all of my writing.
So You Think Your Life’s A Movie
was a life-changing experience for me.A difficult memoir of my tangled involvement as a young photojournalist in 1980’s Latin America came to life … I can’t say enough about the importance of the moment for me when I saw my words… acted out in class. A dark shadow over my life was lifted by the transformative powers of artfulness. The best therapy, better than sex or even a massage, soul-freeing!